In 1985, a peculiar piece of artwork washed up on the sand near Den Fagerty, Holland. Scientific investigation confirmed that it was constructed of octopus ink on some sort of animal skin. Further computer analysis of stroke and technique suggested a 99.9% statistical similarity to other works by Fluvio Nortnoodle which had many art historians, including Stan Van Wanverdle, the foremost expert on Fluvio Nortnoodle, insisting it must be attributed to him. But in early 1986, carbon dating suggested that it was likely no more than 50 years old which set off a firestorm of controversy which has yet to be settled. Some have suggested that perhaps Fluvio finally succeeded in finding the fabled Octopus Box which was purported to have magical time traveling powers. Unfortunately, further scientific inquiry was abruptly halted in 1988 when the controversial artwork mysteriously disappeared along with a half eaten chicken sandwich and $312.
1 comment:
WOW! I am so happy to have found your site! Your art work is excellent and the posts are highly entertaining. I love your work!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff...keep up the excellent work
Patricia ~the naked writer
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